Saturday, July 17, 2010

"Demon Lord"

The mood is good, but the illustration is lacking something? Suggestions are welcome! That is true for anything I post; thoughts, comments, ideas are all appreciated.
"Deep Breath"

This was for an the exhibition Vox by Kammerklang. A really frustrating digital painting to do, but one I learned a lot from. It was inspired by a piece of music by one of the composers.

House of the Baba Yaga (completed)

Done, done and done! It's at the printers now and hopefully will be ready on time. Yays!
Almost done! So far so good, this picture has painted itself. Initially I was worried about producing a good digital painting in such good time, but for some reason this one is working. Thank you Illustration Gods!!! I will kill an Ibis in your name. And do my neighbourhood a service as well.

This is off to the printers in the morning to be printed onto canvas and framed. Then into the gallery on Monday.

Still have a mammoth checklist of things do to. Unless I can get my tunnel vision under control.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My first post, at last!

My design for the Baba Yaga hut. The Baba Yaga is a witch from Russian folklore who lives in a house balanced on chicken legs or leg.

I'm going to turn this image into a digital Illustration and submit it into an art exhibition. Short deadline (always are) work work work! paint paint paint!
